Radio with Awards and Honors
Public Radio
90.1 FM
Title 1: The Final Draft
An Atlanta professor and his former student experience love and death in the North Georgia mountains.
Title 2: Found Sounds: Conversations Out of Context
True life voices floating in the ether reveal the challenges, folly and fear they experience in their American lives.
Type of Production: Original Radio Play and Soundscape with Spoken Text
# of Programs: 1
Tom Spach: Producer, Host, Composer
Sandra Hughes: Writer, Director
Awards/Honors: Grant Award: Fulton County Arts and Culture
Commercial Radio
1690 AM – Voice of the Arts
Title: The Writers Space Radio Hour
Type of Program: Interviews with and l readings and performances by emerging and established writers in Georgia
# of Program: 16
Sandra Hughes: Producer, Co-host, Writer, Performer
Tom Spach: Producer, Co-host, Composer, Performer
Awards/Honors: Grant Award: City of Atlanta Mayor’s Office of Cultural Affairs
Public Radio
101.1 FM
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Title: Santa Fe on Stage
Type of Programs: Interviews, Performances, Theater News
# of Programs: 52
Sandra Hughes: Writer, Co-Host, Performer