Free Virtual Classes
Fulton County Veterans
Gateway Performance Productions and Fulton County are working together to provide veterans with access to Gateway’s creative writing, visual art/drawing, acting and mime classes with award-winning instructors Michael Hickey and Sandra Hughes. These classes are designed to stimulate mind and body growth, provide support for personal creative expression and enhance overall quality of life.
As long as you have access to the internet, an email address and are a veteran residing in Fulton County, you can take any of these classes free of charge.
Class Schedule
Wednesdays, 6:30 pm to 8 pm
Instructor: Sandra Hughes
Explore the world of acting. Keep yourself sharp and ready for acting and speaking opportunities. New, emerging and established actors welcomed as well as those curious to learn more about acting.
Tuesdays, 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm
Instructor – Sandra Hughes
Designed to support, stimulate and facilitate your writing process.
New, emerging and established writers are welcome.
Mondays, 7 pm – 8:30 pm
Instructor: Michael Hickey
Have fun, experience mind/body performance skills.
Inspired by the methods of Marcel Marceau, Sandra Hughes, Juki Arkin, Jango
Edwards. Suitable for all.
Mondays, 10 am – 11 am
Instructor: Michael Hickey
Enhance the artist eye. Train the artist hand.
Keep your brain limber.
Saturdays, 1 PM to 2 PM
Instructor: Michael Hickey
Enhance the artist eye. Train the artist hand.
Keep your brain limber.
If you would like to provide feedback to Gateway on Gateway’s class offerings please click to download our Feedback Form which you can return to us in a variety of ways. Instructions are contained in the form. |
To Sign Up – Select a class below, fill out form and click SUBMIT