Table of Contents
SECTION 1 – Prologue and Part I
SECTION 2 – Project Notes, Background Information
Video Production 2020-12-3 and 4
Video Production 2020-11-29
PreProduction Video 2020-11-23
Flamenco build and stop
Cajon References
Dance Video Production Example
Tom Spach Songs
Flamenco Song Types
Flamenco Performances
Notes from group Zoom mtg
SECTION 3 – 2022
Composition “A” – Tom Spach
Prologue and Part I
Song: Down the Road, Lyrics and Music by Tom Spach
Pandemic Break-up Poems
The Absence of Ginger written by Sandra Hughes
Of Blues and Bearden written by Reggie Prim
I’ll Bring My Heart written by Jerilynn Bedingfield
Saint Peter Blues lyrics and music by Tom Spach
Invocation of the Angeles / Man of the Boat with cedar flute performed by Reggie Prim, Mike Hickey and Sandra Hughes
(In Hebrew and Irish)
The text is a Jewish folk incantation, wrapped in the mist of Kabbalic mysticism, sometimes included in קריאת שמע על מיטה, the nightly recitation of the Hear O Israel prayers in bed just before sleep, calling on God and his angels to protect the supplicant.
Holy, holy, holy, Lord of hosts, full of his honor is the land.
On my right Michael, on my left Gabriel, before me Uriel, behind me Raphael, and above my head the spirit of God.
Poems from Part I
Pandemic Breakup
The Absence of Ginger
by Sandra Hughes
The Absence of Ginger
(To Speak the Truth)
Sandra Hughes
May 30, 2020
(To Purify)
Forgive me.
Forgive me for accepting
your marriage proposals
to me.
I can say this now
– because I understand
your forever-proposals
coupled with my acceptance
engendered a ruse riddled
with desires woven into
your secret agenda.
(To Ground in Reality)
i n the actual world
we discovered
each other
The afternoon
the absence of ginger
Blessed us with
one another’s presence
in the virtual world
We came together
Swept away by an
unknown force
into a shared
technological reality.
To Invoke)
A power larger, much larger
than either of us placed us i n the
same spaces at the same time.
The Divine Plan you reference
so readily offered to deliver
us to The Promise Land
and failed because this
life-affirming reality was
betrayed and aborted
by lies and neglect.
(To Surrender)
He brought me flowers.
It was the first time
in our three years together
he’d ever brought me
fresh cut flowers.
I knew once the flowers died
our relationship would end.
For three weeks
I watched them fade
until I finally had to admit
they were gone.
Soon after
our relationship unraveled
in the matter of minutes.
(To Reveal)
He told me
he wanted to
be with me forever.
That’s what he told me . . .
Milk and Honey drip from
my eyes,
my lips,
my thighs –
remnants of
Sacred Vows
severed by deception.
Pandemic Breakup: The Absence of Ginger A Poem by Sandra Hughes, All Rights Reserved, Copyright 2020 ©
Of The Blues And Bearden
by Reggie Prim

Note: this gap is a page limitation and not intentional. “Bearden” continues below…

I Will Bring My Heart
by Jerilynn Bedingfield
I will show up and bring my heart, a basket of garden tomatoes, a listening ear and a playful story to share.
I will try not to bring anything that I have already unpacked and left behind.
It seems clear at first and I give words to make the journey feel new exciting, somehow different but after we pass through the first city and begin exploring the next you set the table, invite me to dinner, pour the wine, touch me tenderly and ask me to serve my heart on this platter for dessert.
You take your time, savor what’s been served, kiss me, pick up your unpacked baggage and slip out the door.
It seems clear at first and I give words to make the journey feel new exciting, somehow different but after we pass through the first city I realize there are things that I have not left behind.
Project Notes, Background, Information:
2020-12-3 and 4 Production session
”Desirae” – Raw video and audio production recordings. See “2020-11-29 Production video session for instructions downloading these files.
“Pandemic Breakup” – Raw video and audio production recordings. See “2020-11-29 Production video session for instructions downloading these files.
Portraits for short film
Below: 2 of Julie with different lighting:
2020-11-29 Production video session
Taken at the Mask Center. To download video file: 1) click on video to create focus on it; 2) click download icon in lower right of video. If you prefer another file format (other than MOV), I think I can convert to MPEG-4, AVI, WMV and AVC/H.264 formats (with various properties of your choice). Email me: tomspach@gmail.com
Here is separately recorded audio of Mike’s voice from the video above using digital hand recorder hidden behind box in front of Mike. Audio volume has been normalized.
To download audio file: 1) click the “Download File” link to the left. The audio player will appear and start playing audio file; 2) On the right side of the player control, click the 3 dots and then the “download” text-button; 3) After downloading, click your browser’s <back> button to return to this page.
2020-11-24 Pre-Production session
Raw video footage taken at the Mask Center. Should you want to download a video file in a format other than MOV, I think I can convert with various properties within MPEG-4, AVI, WMV and AVC/H.264 formats. email me: tomspach@gmail.comNOTE: Corresponding files are UNDER videos (except the first video).
Posted 11/20/2020. From JulieFlamenco dance – build and stop > upper body
At 5:54 you see an example of building footwork that ends with high energy and then drops into upper body
Cajon References
Posted 11/13/2020. From JulieI send links to videos where I think you can see examples of great ways to play cajón, in videos where the cajón is pretty well visible. The cajón is usually in the back in a dark theater, and difficult to see well. I hope the cajón in these videos is easy to see. I would ignore the techniques where the cajón is played with separated fingers or anything other than a solid hand (either cupped or relaxed/flat). Those techniques take a long time to build and are advanced. I send these examples that do include some of those super-experienced techniques, because I want to demonstrate what the ultimate product is. If I sent videos of students or amatuers, then you would shoot for that end product. Plus, a lot of those videos have incorrect information in them. I didn´t think that would be helpful as we fuse our ideas. I hope this approach is helpful and not confusing.
Here’s a didactic video that has variations and the base rhythm that we used: Note: You´ll find the base rhythm that we went over near the end of the video, and the musician plays it backwards (2-3-3 instead of 3-3-2), which is fine and common (both ways are good). Even though this is a different pattern (2-3-3), I like this video b/c it is clear. This video is in Spanish, but I think that the cajón playing is universal, no matter the language.
Here´s the cajón with guitar and singing, to see how the cajón builds energy and stops with the rest of the group
And with dance, see lots of variations, lots of techniques
lots of variations, lots of techniques
This one deals with a lot of emptiness on cajon and then tight bursts of footwork accompaniment
Little modern on the dance at the beginning, but the music is solid once it gets going
Posted 11/5/2020. From Reggie
Dance Video Production Example
Below is to a 7min version of the 4min dance video sent by Reggie. It is a good reference and/or instructive tool.
Posted 11/5/2020. From TomSong: “Down The Road”
The song is now re-imagined in a flamenco-inspired 6-count rather than common 4/4 time. This is a rough version of the full song in SIX along with a metronome in the foreground.
Posted 11/5/2020. From TomTom Spach – Desirae”I wrote this in a short time one morning around April or May of 2020. I rarely write a song ‘all at once’. This song was delivered to me just before I woke up early one morning. It felt like I was experiencing the tragedy of people who lost especially dear loved ones during Covid.”
~ Tom Spach
Posted 11/5/2020. From Julie .
Flamenco Song Types
In flamenco we have a palo (song type) that deals specifically with loss of love. It is tientos. Here’s La Paquera singing:Song lyrics of tientos deal with things like:
I asked God why you lied to me
I live with torment while you are not in my life
I want to lock you in a convent if I cannot have you
The bells of the church are not as beautiful as you
What pain I feel to see your sad face
You are dead and they came to take you at 2:00 in the morning
Posted 11/5/2020. From Julie La Argentina sings here, in a more contemporary version, which ends por tangos:
These are to a four-count beat, very slow. Tangos song lyrics can be celebratory and flirty, leaving behind the heaviness of the tientos. Thus, the transformation.
From: Julie Galle Baggenstoss <julie_galle@yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, August 14, 2020 4:04 PM
Here are some references for flamenco to share with the group. I will send more soon.
The man in the shirt is Juan del Gastor. For sure he was in the audience and was invited on stage at the end of the show, for a little “fin de fiesta.”
Same man. Fiesta, not end of performance.
Fiesta, superstars and regular people; the man to the left of the singer is also a professional singer. note how he changes his hand clapping:
Those two superstars from the fiesta all polished on stage:
Yinka Graves, who Reggie referenced, in the theater, dancing por soleá (part of the deep song)
Ah! A woman!
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
From Sandra Hughes & Tom Spach
stop animation: “Power of the Moon“
Friday, Aug 14, 2020 zoom meeting
From Reggie Prim to Everyone: 03:10 PM
Anandi Bhattacharya
Migration of colours buleria meets holi
From Reggie Prim to Everyone: 03:20 PM
Ilya Prigogine
From Reggie Prim to Everyone: 03:25 PM
Mono no aware
the blues and flamenco
rooting word/concept – Loss
Concept – the deep song
Flamenco concept – imminence of death
blues concept – hellhound on my trail
From Julie Galle Baggenstoss to Everyone: 03:31 PM
Tom Spach – DWT “Overture” – June 2022
This is, I suppose an overture, a collection of themes and variations upon them which I have been dreaming up recently. The 12/8 rhythm that is fundamental to much of Flamenco music is employed here as a thread that helps tie the themes together. The sections are all set to 12/8 but some not so neatly, which can create interesting polyrhythms. I envision perhaps expanding and incorporating some of these themes into useful scored elements supporting performance.