To engage, inspire & educate through the performing arts & related fine & applied arts.
To create original art that is mesmerizing and transformative in its power to connect participants to the essential truths of their humanity.
as a non-profit arts organization
Gateway Performance Productions is a 501(3)(c) non-profit arts organization founded in Atlanta, Georgia in 1974. Gateway’s original performances, classes and workshops have toured to 36 states in the United States and 13 other countries. The Company has also created award-winning productions for film, television and radio and presents outreach programs throughout Metro Atlanta as well as events, classes, workshops and exhibits at Gateway’s venue – The Mask Center.
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Gateway’s The Mask Center – located in the Little Five Points Community Center – is a long term project that serves as a venue for the Company’s performances, rehearsals, in-person and virtual classes in acting, creative writing, drawing, mask-making and mime/physical theatre. See Class Schedule. The Center also features an ongoing exhibit of museum quality theatrical masks created by Michael Hickey The Center serves as an arts incubator for Gateway’s original productions and provides affordable rental space for performances, rehearsals, workshops and meetings to local non profit arts organizations and individual artists. Commercial rates are available to large for-profit arts related companies.

Visit Gateway’s 10 foot tall, hand carved wooden totemic outdoor art installation located at the corner of Euclid and Austin Aves. on the grounds of the Little 5 Points Community Center. Faces of the Moon is a tribute to women of all ages created by Michael Hickey, Walter Stark and Sandra Hughes. We are raising funds for Part Two of this installation, which will visually map the seasons.

Health and wellness agencies make it possible for Gateway to provide arts programs by prescription from medical doctors, therapists and certified social workers. This programming serves diverse communities – including youth ages 12 to 26 diagnosed with anxiety, depression and/or suicidal ideation, elders throughout Georgia who suffer from isolation and homeless military veterans temporarily housed at Atlanta’s Fort McPherson.Gateway’s Producing Artistic Director Sandra Hughes has received “Outstanding Partner” and “Outstanding Community Service” Awards from the City of Atlanta and an “Unsung Hero Award” from Fulton County’s Department of Aging and Youth Services for arts programs she’s created and presented for high risk individuals and communities.
Your support is needed to continue this vitally important programing. Please include Gateway in your charitable giving. The Company is a 501(3)(c) non-profit organization. Your donation is tax deductible. To Contribute CLICK HERE and please use your receipt to document your charitable deduction.